Home Odds & Ends For the Love of Punk

For the Love of Punk


Fans, peers, and promotions continue to pour their praises onto CM Punk this week, as TNA attempts to cash in on the craze created by the Straight Edge Superstar’s WWE Title win, one of Punk’s idol’s adores his work, and an old flame gives the Champ a round of applause…

WWE, TNA, Wrestling

  • Impact Wrestling is doing their best to ride the wave of momentum created by CM Punk’s current angle.  The organization’s homepage is advertising that CM Punk’s matches from his tenure in the Impact Zone will soon be available as part of their On Demand service.  TNA is promoting that nearly three hours of CM Punk matches will be available for viewing – “never rebroadcast in their entirety until now!”  Opponents include Raven, Shane Douglass, Abyss, Sabu, and more.  It’s borderline hilarious that the addition of a WWE wrestler’s matches from six years ago to TNA’s On Demand archive has been worthy of a spot on their front page all weekend long.
  • Last week while being interviewed on Bill Simmons’ B.S. Report, CM Punk revealed that one of his favorite wrestlers growing up was “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.  In a recent interview in The Post & Courier, Piper revealed that the adoration was mutual.  “C.M. Punk has possibly struck a chord that maybe things have gotten mundane. I’m really proud of Punk,” said Piper.  “It’s great what he did.”
  • As we’ve noted on this blog before, former WWE Diva Maria hasn’t quite gotten over her former boyfriend, who happens to be the best wrestler in the world.  Her admiration for Punk was reinforced in a recent interview, where she rightfully declares him the best in the game today.  “”I think Punk is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, in wrestling right now and for a while now,” Maria boldly stated.  “Right now is ‘The Era of Punk.’  He’s incredible.”  She went on to say that her former beau doesn’t care much for the fanfare or theatrics of the product, and that he genuinely cares about the wrestling.  During the same interview, Maria states that Punk’s mission is to bring integrity back to the business, and that he hasn’t lost sight of what wrestling is truly about.

WWE, TNA, Wrestling