Home Odds & Ends The State of ProRasslin.com

The State of ProRasslin.com


WWE, TNA, Wrestling

All right guys, so here’s the deal.  When I opened this blog, I was between jobs and wanted something to give structure to my days.  Now gainfully employed, it’s become a struggle to keep up with the heavy workload that I instituted when crafting the daily post structure here.  So things are going to be slowing down a bit.

This is in no way the end of ProRasslin.com.  It’s just the end of six posts every day.  I’m punting the daily promo (when I come across really good promos, believe me, you’ll see them), and I’m not going to fret about meeting a minimum number of posts per day.  We’ll still be updated a number of times every week (if forced to project, I’d say once to thrice daily), and a lot of our regularly occurring features will stay in tact.  Capitol Punishment reactions will be up this afternoon, Ghastly Gimmicks will be posted tomorrow, there’ll be a look at another potential Raw GM candidate on Wednesday as part of Ryan’s “What if?” series.  I think that in an effort to crank out the maximum amount of posts, we’ve slowly been adopting the traits of what we claim not to be – a dirtsheet.  I won’t be running straight news as often moving forward to meet some imaginary post quota (although we’ll still cover the good stuff), and I’ll be directing my time and attention towards bringing you more original content that can’t be read in a newsletter – retrospectives on the awesomeness of the past, ridiculous fanboy booking, and feature-length articles and lists that aim to entertain more than they do to inform.  Stuff like this.


So hopefully that’s the kind of thing you’re into.  I sincerely thank all of you who frequent this page, and I hope that you’ll continue to do so as we undergo these changes.  Please bear with me while I try to maintain a professional wrestling fan-site while simultaneously being a proper working stiff.  Now, in the words of the legendary HBK, hit my music, I’m outta here!


    • I saw that there was a youtube video about that but I haven’t had the chance to watch it yet. I love Heyman so I’ll definitely check it out; I’ll probably have something up tomorrow or Wednesday about it. Thanks for the tip!