Home Odds & Ends Pomp and Circumstance

Pomp and Circumstance


WWE, TNA, Wrestling

All week, we’ve been mourning the loss of Randy Savage.  His contributions to the wrestling world were great; ranging from his humble beginnings in Memphis to his awesome feud with Hulk Hogan.  Because his character was so powerful, it’s sometimes easy to forget that he was more than just a wrestling superstar – Randy Savage’s hand in shaping American pop culture was far-reaching.  His “Snap into a Slim Jim” catchphrase is as recognizable as any slogan I can think of, and his role as Bonesaw McGraw in Spider-Man was borderline iconic.  A lesser appreciated aspect of Macho Man’s life was the time he spent aspiring to be a Major League Baseball player.  Savage enjoyed some success in the farm systems of both the St. Louis Cardinals and Cincinnati Reds, as pictured above.  He also lent his voice to Space Ghost’s incredibly awesome granddad on Space Ghost: Coast to Coast back in the late 90s.  I cannot tell you how hard I marked out to one of my favorite wrestlers voicing a character on one of my favorite shows when I was a young lad.  Classic.



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