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Greatest Videos Eeeeeever: Scott Steiner. The Best Ever?


Greatest Videos Ever specializes in discerning fact from hyperbole. We initially began by rating the accuracy of each video title, but the content YouTube provided was simply too polarizing to have a five star system. Every rating was either 1 star or 5. Because of that, we’re now switching our ratings to a simple true or false. With that said, we arrive at this week’s Greatest Video Eeeeeever: “Scott Steiner is the greatest wrestler of all time”

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Scott Steiner began his career alongside his brother, the dog faced gremlin, Rick Steiner. In his mullet sporting, tag-teaming days Scott seemed like a decent guy with a strong work ethic in the gym. On February 22 1998, that all changed. He turned on his brother during a match against the Outsiders and the hearts of many were broken. Scott soon began sporting bleach blonde hair and his muscles mass swelled to unbelievable proportions. This was the birth of Big Poppa Pump.

The Genetic Freak stayed with WCW until it’s demise. His final match occurred on the last Nitro ever where he dropped the WCW World Title to Booker T. Scott arrived in WWE a year and a half later as highly sought after free agent. Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon rallied to bring him to their respective brands with Bischoff, the Raw GM, eventually winning out. If the video above is any indication, Steiner’s stay in WWE wasn’t exactly memorable and it was mostly filled with him screaming ‘Heh!’ Today Steiner competes in TNA. His current angle involves muscles, a chest tattoo and cursing.

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