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Greatest Videos Eeeeeever: The OTHER Big Red Machine

Ladies and Gentlemen...your #1 Contender...

Three months into 2011, we can’t say we’re exactly in the golden age of wrestling. WWE has spent much of the year building towards Wrestlemania with long and frequent promos. TNA has been…well I’m not sure what TNA is doing. When wrestling fans have had a taste of action it’s been underwhelming for the most part. The bright side? The matches could be worse. Far worse. That brings us to this week’s Greatest Video Ever…

Title: WWE Wrestling Batista vs Gabbibo best match ever!
Views: 841,127
Uploaded by WWFallenAngel


The Story

What. Was. That? I’m not sure there is a satisfactory answer to that question so here’s a look at the facts. We have a mascot, a hot ref and World Champion Batista. We have sound and visual effects. We have some sort of steroid pump. We have a 3 count pinfall that didn’t involve anyone being covered. The rest is a mystery and I think we should be fine with that.

This segment helps put other wrestling ridiculousness into perspective. Yes, some promos on Raw run too long but compared to this, they are Oscar worthy. Yes, Wrestlemania brought us a Snooki match but at least she was a human. Yes, Alberto Del Rio did get a rather swift push into a world title match but at least he earned it. Batista’s ‘opponent’ here seemed to have heat with the Animal for no reason. If someone could translate Gabbibo’s words, maybe we could get to the bottom of their feud. Where are our bilingual readers?


This ‘match’ leaves me asking what if. Looking at the lineage WWE Champions, there are some legends and surefire Hall of Famers. Imagine if Gabbibo was able to get the best of Batista and win the strap? Crazy as it may sound, it still seems less silly than David Arquette’s reign as WCW Champion.

5 of 5 Deputy Dewey Riley’s on the Ridiculousness Scale