Home Champion of Champions The Champion of Champions

The Champion of Champions


These are the two most widely recognized wrestling titles in the entire world.  The World Heavyweight Title and the WWE Championship.  Throughout the ages, the best wrestlers on the planet have worn these belts around their waists.  For the past ten years, both titles have found their home in World Wrestling Entertainment.  Today, we are going to take the first step in the arduous task of determining who the greatest champion has been during that time frame.

For the next six weeks, we’ll present you with a series of polls, asking you who you feel the best champions have been.  These polls will be posted every Friday and remain open for the duration of the weekend.  During the week, we’ll preview the upcoming matchups. This tournament will culminate WrestleMania weekend, when the two leading vote-getters will go head to head and a Champion of Champions will be crowned.

The qualifications used for inclusion in the tournament were rather simple.  There have been eleven wrestlers to reign as champion for 200 or more combined days over the past decade, all of whom automatically qualified.  They are John Cena, Batista, Edge, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, JBL, The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Chris Jericho.  Also qualifying is the current WWE Champion, The Miz.  With 12 spots occupied, 4 remain to be determined in our sweet sixteen tournament.

Below are four polls, each with four former Champions.  We ask that you submit a vote for whoever you feel the best Champion was out of each group.  All votes are appreciated, and we hope you’ll participate in all four polls.  The winners of these four matches will join the 12 champions listed above who have already qualified.  On Monday, when the votes are tallied, we will announce the brackets for the tournament, and our quest to determine the greatest champion of the decade will be underway.

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