Home Unnecessary Speculation New Nexus, The Corre, & WrestleMania

New Nexus, The Corre, & WrestleMania

Wade Barrett's Corre and CM Punk's New Nexus are on a collision course leading into the biggest event of the year.

After the events of the Royal Rumble, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the program between Wade Barrett’s Corre and CM Punk’s New Nexus is far from over.  The once unified factions have played a monster role in the WWE over the past year, and their pay off looks to be a high profile match with each other on WWE’s biggest stage.  The logistics of the inevitable WrestleMania match are still foggy, as the numbers game doesn’t quite line up.  There are five members of the New Nexus, while Barrett’s Corre only has four.  CM Punk figures to be in a singles match on the show, most likely pitted against Randy Orton, which evens the sides up.  However, current speculation has Wade Barrett in singles competition as well, thus upsetting the balance once again.  So how will the pieces fit?

There are a couple logical possibilities here.  For one, Barrett may be featured in the match instead of wrestling in a singles bout, making it an 4-on-4 Tag Team affair.  Another possibilty is that the Corre picks up another member between now and April 3.  Someone currently on Smackdown in need of a role, such as Tyler Reks, could fit the bill, or we may see a developmental talent crack the main roster to join Barrett’s bullies.  A third possibility is that Husky Harris will sit the match out, making it a 6-Man Tag match with the Corre being represented by Big Zeke, Gabriel, and Slater, and the New Nexus comprising of Mason Ryan, Otunga, and McGillicutty.  The punt Harris received from Randy Orton this Monday could have planted the seeds for his absence.  So, which scenerio do you think is most likely?