Fans, peers, and promotions continue to pour their praises onto CM Punk this week, as TNA attempts to cash in on the craze created by the Straight Edge Superstar's WWE Title win, one of Punk's idol's adores his work,...
Zack Ryder is a viral sensation. He's got a growing Facebook fan base. He hosts a successful YouTube series. He even made Sports Illustrated's Twitter 100 list. In an age where social media is changing the entertainment landscape, Zack...
It's no secret that I'm a sucker for campy horror movies that happen to star professional wrestlers. My enthusiasm over River of Darkness, which featured Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, and Psycho Sid, has been well documented on this blog,...
If you can make it to Reading or Philadelphia this weekend for either of Chikara's two events (Chikarasaurus Rex: King of Sequel), I cannot overstate how badly you need to attend. On Friday night, The Colony's Green Ant will...
Last night's Impact saw two former World Champions collide inside a steel cage, a fair share of Bound for Glory points distributed, and a surprisingly good Ultimate X match. There were knockouts galore, a new Network exec was named...
I probably should have titled this post "Michael Tarver stays weird," since he was always kind of an oddball during his brief WWE run anyway. This is the first and, in all likelihood, the last time you'll see Michael...
Yesterday, CM Punk was the guest on Bill Simmons' ESPN Podcast, the B.S. Report. As you'd expect, it was awesome. Over the course of the interview, Punk discussed when he decided to stay in the WWE, what he'd be...
On a cool October night in 1998, Mötley Crüe was performing live on an episode of WWF Sunday Night Heat. When an overeager fan attempted to rush the stage to meet the heavy metal icons, he was tossed from...
So here's one out of the bizarro files: The WWE's Maryse Ouellet is being stalked by a crazed 61-year-old fan.World Wrestling Entertainment's French Canadian Diva has filed a request for a restraining order against Lee Silber, an elderly fan...
Every Tuesday, we take a look at an outlandish character from wrestling’s days gone by. Sometimes laughable, sometimes revolting, but always preposterous, they’re part of what makes pro rasslin’ so great. Ranging from slightly peculiar to downright ludicrous, these...