Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Home Blog Page 31
Last week, the WWE hosted a press conference in Mexico to announce that Raw and Smackdown would emanate from the country for the first time in history this October.  A handful of superstars were on hand for the media...
WWE, TNA, Wrestling

Indy Odds & Ends

I don't have enough to say about any of these for them to warrant their own posts, but I think they all deserve your attention...Tickets are now on sale for the first Urban Wrestling Federation event.  The show is...

Wrestling Matters

TNA is in the process of re-branding, and I'm a huge fan of their approach.  They've been rechristened Impact Wrestling, perhaps trying to distance themselves from the stigma they've created through their years of subpar programming.  Plenty of wrestling...
Let me start by telling you a little bit about my Raw viewing experience last night.  It's not uncommon for me to record wrestling shows and watch them after they've finished.  I do it for a couple of reasons. ...
I'm a sucker for a good big guy/little guy tag team.  It's a formula that just works for me, and there may be no better example of it than Kane and X-Pac.  Here, the unlikely duo have some words...
Tonight's Raw will undoubtedly see continued build for Over the Limit, and it'll also more than likely feature a significant amount of fallout from last week's event.  R-Truth feels as though he's been disrespected by his peers and those...

Major Broskis

With all the love that Zack Ryder has been experiencing lately, I think it's fitting to run the newest installment of his "Z! True Long Island Story" YouTube show.  The WWE Internet Champion is a riot, as per usual,...
Predictably, Sting retained the TNA World Title last night against Rob Van Dam.  TNA so much as told us that this would be the case on last week's Impact when Mr. Anderson repeatedly mentioned wrestling Sting for the title...
When browsing YouTube in search of content for this blog, I sometimes stumble upon clips that are in no way newsworthy or relevant to anything I'm writing about, but are so ridiculous that I feel the need to share...
One of WWE's longest standing practices is to portray all of their babyfaces as friendly allies and all of their heels as devious buddies.  It always irks me when the personal differences of wrestlers are ignored and they form...

