Home News Michael Tarver Gets Weird

Michael Tarver Gets Weird


WWE, TNA, Wrestling

I probably should have titled this post “Michael Tarver stays weird,” since he was always kind of an oddball during his brief WWE run anyway.  This is the first and, in all likelihood, the last time you’ll see Michael Tarver’s picture on this blog.  The guy was a middle-of-the-pack NXT contestant who joined the WWE’s main roster at the dawn of the Nexus angle but was soon sidelined with injury.  There is nothing eye-popping about his skill set, nor did he do anything to make himself stand out during his cup of coffee in the big leagues, save for wear a stupid half-mask.  All right, I’ll be honest – he was flat-out terrifying in that half-mask.  Still, it’s not like he was setting the wrestling world ablaze.  A couple of months ago, Michael Tarver was released.  I don’t think anybody was surprised.

Yesterday, Tarver went on a tirade on his Twitter about how “bad” he is.  He’s so bad, in fact, that he “SCARED A BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY.”  According to Tarver, the injury that shelved him through the duration of the Nexus storyline wasn’t much of an accident at all.  Threatened by the steam Tarver was building, John Cena allegedly purposely fractured his arm with a chair…and then laughed in his face about it backstage.  You know what, here’s the link: Michael Tarver’s tirade.  I’d quote it some more, but there are so many spelling errors and indecipherable ramblings that I can’t wade through it.  Just see for yourself.  Dude’s crazy.

I don’t need to tell you how ridiculous Tarver’s claims are.  Instead of spouting off about this anymore, I’ll leave you with this video of him rapping at Roots Fest.
