Home News Smackdown Stupidity

Smackdown Stupidity


I try to stay away from posting spoilers here at ProRasslin.com, but every once in a while, something transpires at a pre-taped event that is either so newsworthy I’d be remiss not to cover it or evokes such an emotional response from me that I really want to comment.  Last night’s Smackdown tapings fit into both categories.  I don’t want to ruin anything for those of you who like to be surprised as you watch the show, so to view my spoiler-laden rant you’ll have to follow the jump. 

WWE, TNA, Wrestling
The voices that I hear in MY head tell me that this sucks.

Not even a week after winning his first WWE World Championship, Christian dropped the title to Randy Orton last night.  I am blinded with rage.

Christian’s title win had everything a World Title victory should have.  It was a fantastic match, it was unpredictable, and it tug on the audience’s heart-strings.  It was one man’s long and arduous journey to the top of the heap finally coming to fruition.  It was the culmination of over a decade of blood, sweat, and tears poured out for all of us to witness.  It stood apart from other recent first-time title wins like those of Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger; it was easily the best since Edge’s first capturing of the top prize.  And it was great to see Edge there to congratulate his friend and longtime running buddy on his monumental victory.

But you know what WWE thinks of Christian?

WWE, TNA, Wrestling

He’s a punchline.  And now, instead of enjoying his first reign as World Champion, it looks like he’s being thrown into a feud with The World’s Strongest Jobber Mark Henry.

Meanwhile, Randy Orton, who hasn’t been interesting in well over a year, is the Champ.  The one good thing about having Cena and Orton on the same brand was that they couldn’t BOTH be World Champions.  Now they are, and I think the WWE product will suffer as a result.  Neither one makes for a compelling champion at this stage in their career, and instead of seeing fresh World Title feuds involving Christian, we’ll probably be shoveled more Orton vs Sheamus and Orton vs Barrett, both of which we’ve seen dozens of times.  The very best case scenario is an Orton vs Rhodes feud, and even that is old hat.

If you can see a silver lining in this swapping of the title, please, enlighten me.  Because from where I sit, it’s an bush-league decision that exposes WWE’s apprehension to try anything new.  And that’s a damn shame for both Christian and the fans who invest themselves in the product.


  1. I am just appauled. I hope a Matt Hardy like movement starts up until Christian gets the belt back.

  2. I flipped shit when i read the spoilers, I will NOT watch Smackdown again cause of this…And the fact i run a bar Fridays lol….

    Seriously tho, Why even give Christian his moment if they were just gonna put the strap on Orton to shut him after moving him to the “B Brand”. Bad move by WWE here, Fans want something different ..NOT THE SAME SHIT SHOVED DOWN OUT THROATS!

    • Amen, dude. Randy Orton is so stale. Christian’s reign could have been something fresh and new, but instead they fall back on Orton, who’s going to be boring as hell as Champion. It’s such a massive disappointment.

  3. well at least i dont have to start watching smackdown now. im pretty sure they gave christian the belt because they knew it would spike buy rates if they made it obvious he was going to win.

  4. [quote]the two day Christian reign, Meltzer reported that the same thing would have happened if ADR had won the belt as originally planned. I suppose that softens the blow somewhat. Not enough, but somewhat.[/quote]

    you know what this website needs? a messageboard.

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