Home Feature Articles Robert Evans Will Have His Revenge

Robert Evans Will Have His Revenge

WWE, TNA, Wrestling
The Melodic Master & the Lovely Veronica.

Robert Evans is a man of many faces.  He’s pictured above as Archibald Peck, otherwise known as Marchie Archie, an overzealous member of a marching band who is taking Chikara by storm.  You can see the excitable Mr. Peck in action right here.  Accompanied by his manager, fellow marcher Veronica, Archibald is as verbose as he is smug.  He’s also hilarious, as evidenced by this statement issued to Sugar Dunkerton a few weeks back:

“The following night, I march into seedy Union City to face Sugar Dunkerton. On the surface, it may appear the age-old tale: Jock vs. Geek. And I agree – given that I am up every morning practicing my routines like a top-tier athlete, he does look like a geek in comparison. But I believe he also plays a sport called “the hoops” (Reminder to self: investigate this recreation – likely nefarious.) While I will not write him off as a mere geek, I must admit that I have trouble taking him seriously as a threat, given his goofy, colorful outfit and boisterous demeanor. “

In Ring of Honor, he’s known as R.D. Evans, a scumbag lawyer who lends his talents to Prince Nana’s Embassy.  For a taste of Evans the Barrister, fast-forward to the 6-minute mark of this ROH Video Wire.  He’s clever, he’s witty, and he’s ridiculous.

Months ago, Robert Evans was a staple of Anarchy Championship Wrestling.  While reigning as the company’s Champion, he had both his heart and his jaw broken by the woman he loved, Portia Perez, who effectively cost Evans he title in the process.  He swore revenge.


Months past, and Evans’ revenge never came.  That is, not until this weekend.  Portia Perez, accompanied by the masked Super Electro, was taking on Rachel Summerlyn at ACW’s third anniversary show.  Just as it looked like Portia had the upper hand, Super Electro unmasked to reveal none other than Evans.  Setting in motion a chain of events that led to Portia submitting to Summerlyn, Evans had his revenge, a dish he knew would be best served cold.  He also wore an absolutely ridiculous costume.

WWE, TNA, Wrestling
An outlet outfit.

I cannot help but be interested in anything that Robert Evans does at this point.  I’ve never seen an ACW show in my life, but I felt compelled to run this because it featured who is quickly becoming one of my favorite independent wrestlers.  I want more Robert Evans, and I want it now.


  1. Beautifully shot and acted, it still found its detractors.
    And remember it’s a must that the DJ is aware of their crowd in case of emergency – can’t be all fucked up (high & drunk)
    not paying attention and then on top of that can’t
    change your mood music cuz all you brought was the bang bang four on the floor.
    Waking up the morning after, Nicole realizes she has gotten the insight she seeks on the life
    of a shifter in an ironic, self-detrimental manner.

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