On Monday night, CM Punk posted the following on his Twitter.
“I knew I was gone at the beginning of the year. I just woke up one day and I knew. That’s the way I work a lot of the time. I think it’s creepy too, but it’s really helpful. I knew I’d be history by July. Come say goodbye on July 17th. I promise to go out with a bang. Trust me. XxX”
While at a glance this might seem like a simple message regarding the announcement he made on this week’s Raw, there are some interesting bits clunking around under the hood. On June 15, 2005, CM Punk posted this on his LiveJournal in regards to his departure from Ring of Honor.
“I knew I was gone at the beginning of the year. I just woke up one day and knew. That’s the way I work a lot of the time. I think it’s creepy too, but it’s really helpful. I honestly knew i’d be history by June. Come say goodbye on Saturday, I promise to go out with a bang. Trust me. XxX”
Obviously, Punk is giving his longtime fans something to mark out about. Actually, we should all be marking out. After Punk declared himself done with ROH and posted the message you see above, he defeated Austin Aries to win the World Title and remained with the promotion for an additional two months, igniting what has come to be known as “The Summer of Punk.”
Oh how desperately the world needs another Summer of Punk. There’s no logical explanation for how a man so cool can continue to increase his coolness exponentially so regularly, but Punk does. This is who you should want to be when you grow up.
[…] It Might Happen Mike did some investigative reporting last week and found a LiveJournal entry that’s nearly identical to Punk’s recent tweets explaining his departure. As we all […]