So, the poster for TNA Wrestling’s July pay-per-view Destination X has found its way onto the internet and, well…
In addition to featuring the TNA’s favorite typeface, the event also sports the catchphrase “Forward to the Past,” whatever that means, and there’s a weird Impact Wrestling watermark under the X that’s kind of distracting. More notable, however, is the inclusion of the old 6-sided ring on the poster. If this advertisement is any indication, we can expect to see TNA’s former trademark return in a one-night-only capacity for the show. Although Destination X has historically not focused more on the X Division than any other pay-per-view, as the name would seem to imply it should, I kind of suspect that this year’s might. With the current angle of Brian Kendrick rallying the X Division wrestlers against Eric Bischoff and Immortal, a showdown between the two sides could be on tap for the event. Given that it’s common knowledge that the abandonment of the 6-sided ring was due to Hulk Hogan and Bischoff’s distaste for it, its return could be the Network’s way of sticking it to Immortal heading into their war against the X Division. I’m getting a little carried away here, but the bottom line is that is looks like we haven’t seen the last of the 6-sided ring. And that’s kind of cool, right?