Home Wrestling Ridiculousness Luchas in the Outfield

Luchas in the Outfield


WWE, TNA, Wrestling

Earlier this week, a Guinness World Record was set for the most costume masks worn at one event.  The record had never received official acknowledgement before, although it was believed to stand at around 250 people.  Tuesday night in Los Angeles, the number was closer to 25,000.

This is notable, as made obvious by the picture above, because the masks were of the Lucha Libre variety.  They were given away as a promotional item to fans entering the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim game, and in the 5th inning, those in attendance donned their masks simultaneously for about 10 minutes.  An official figure has yet to be announced, but numerous Mexican newspapers are reporting that it will be disputed once it’s made official.  I don’t know of any wrestling promotion that can claim that they’ve hosted 25,000 masked fans at one event, but apparently, somebody thinks they have an argument.

The Angels are known for their wacky promotional tactics – they already hold the record for the most Snuggies worn by fans at an event – but this is the first time they’ve dabbled in anything wrestling related.  As a fan of all things wrestling as well as a baseball fanatic, I love the idea.  I’ll most definitely be trying to track one of these things down on eBay, and I certainly hope the rest of Major League Baseball takes a cue from the Halos when designing their promotional schedules for next season.

WWE, TNA, Wrestling


  1. yo i would have done a moonsault off the dugout onto stupid ass bobby abreu. there would have been no stopping me. i would have walked in with nothing and left a world heavy weight champion.

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