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Daily Promo: No Diggity Doubt



At the onset of summer 1999, Booker T was feuding with Rick Steiner over the WCW Television Title.  From there, he and Stevie Ray collected their tenth tag team title win, although they broke up shortly afterwards.  During the feud that followed, Booker T lost the rights to the letter “T” to his former Harlem Heat partner, thus becoming simply Booker.  Soon after, Booker joined the military-themed Misfits in Action and changed his name to G.I. Bro.  The character was short-lived, and at Bash at the Beach 2000, Booker won the WCW World Title, despite the championship match being scheduled as Hulk Hogan vs Jeff Jarrett.  He then dropped and regained the title a few times (once to Vince Russo) before being put into a long world title program with Scott Steiner.  It was a strange 18 months for the master of the Spinaroonie, going full circle from wrestling one Steiner brother on the undercard to facing the other one in the main events.