Years ago, Mike Mizanian was a reality television star with big dreams of becoming a WWE main eventer someday. A decade later, he’s the WWE Champion, and he’ll be making his return to reality television tonight.
The Miz will be in attendance for tonight’s Dancing with the Stars elimination show, presumably to support wrestler/entertainer Chris Jericho. The Miz and Jericho are two of the greatest heels of our generation, and having them on the same show tonight is, well, awesome. It’s rumored that Jericho will be returning to the ring as soon as his stay on Dancing comes to an end, so I’ll be curious to see if the Miz’s visit will serve as the jumping off point for an on-screen feud with Y2J, or if it’s just a regular, good-natured show of support.
The Miz & Jericho have exchanged insulting words on Twitter before. Jericho also recently offered this nugget in an interview with
“I watched Raw on Monday and felt like I was having an out of body experience. I was watching myself on live TV! Then I realized I hadn’t gotten that ugly and become that bad of a wrestler and realized I was actually watching the current WWE Champion, The Miz.”
Check out Chris Jericho & The Miz on Dancing with the Stars tonight, 9:00 EST on ABC, to see what transpires.
jericho is really good at getting a crowd behind him, and even though miz’s current foe is as well, chris is much smarter about it. a face jericho will get a reaction out of the crowd in a way that cena and the rock cant when they take jabs at the miz. kinda like the way william regal and c.m. punk did towards miz when he was on nxt against the “better” daniel bryan.
I agree with you. Chris Jericho excels at working the crowd (as both a heel and a face), and I think that not only would a feud between he and Miz be a lot of fun to watch, but it would help the Miz’s character progress too.
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