Home News The Purple Plague

The Purple Plague

WWE, TNA, Wrestling.

If anybody can explain this to me, please, be my guest.  It seems that former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis will be appearing in some kind of episodic film series that is going to be released as bonus content with hip hop albums?  Is that right?  Details are pretty scarce, and the ones that exist are pretty vague.  What I do know is that Humboldt Storms is a hip hop compilation album that was released in 2006.  Now, a followup, Humboldt Storms Volume 2, is scheduled to be released at some point this year.  And with it will come a slew of bonus material, including a DVD featuring the first chapter of a movie called “The Purple Plague,” starring Maria.

What I don’t know is how or when the rest of the chapters will be released, why a compilation album like this is going to include a movie about zombies (judging by the promotional material you see here), or why they’d bother to contract a quasi-celebrity like Maria Kanellis to be in it considering it’s half-animated and she appears to wear a mask most of the time.  The official website of the project describes the trailer below as “mind-blowing, incendiary, a whole new way of film making, and visuals not to be ignored for even one second!”  While that might be a bit of a stretch, it does seem pretty cool.  I guess.  Whatever.
