Home News The Anvil Drops

The Anvil Drops

WWE, TNA, Wrestling
Anvilizer yourself out of this one, Jim.

Jim Neidhart was arrested this weekend, this time for driving without a license and operating an unregistered vehicle.  While the primary reason I’m running this story is to show you that he’s still sporting his trademark Anvil beard in his mug shot, it should be noted that this isn’t Neidhart’s first run-in with the law and that he may find himself in considerable trouble soon.

In September 2010, Neidhart was brought in on some serious charges.  Among them were two counts of possession of controlled substances with intent to distribute, two counts of trafficking illegal drugs, a count of burglary of an unoccupied dwelling, and a count of third degree grand theft.  As it turns out, the issue has yet to be resolved, and Jim already had a court date pending at the time of his arrest this weekend.  He digs a deeper hole.

While these are the only relevant legal issues for the Anvil today, he’s had his fair share of disputes with the law in the past.  In 1987, Neidhart was indicted for punching a female flight attendant a handful of times when she attempted to collect payment from him for two beers he had purchased.  Luckily for her, Neidhart refrained from using the Hart Punch during the incident.  He faced felony charges at the time and faced a possible 20 years in prison, but he was ultimately acquitted.  We’ll see how lucky he gets this time around.


  1. […] Brie Bella gained a win over Natalya, and Kharma was conspicuously absent from this match and its aftermath.  That, however, didn’t stop Booker T from delivering this gem: “Kharma’s goin’ round feastin’ on divas. Only thing Kharma needs right now’s a biscuit.  And syrup to go along!”  Meanwhile, Cole waxed nostalgic over a Natalya discus punch that reminded him of her father.  Only, you know, she wasn’t drunk and it wasn’t delivered to a stewardess. […]

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