Home Recaps & Reactions Smackdown Breakdown: The Ultimate Opportunist's Ultimate Exit

Smackdown Breakdown: The Ultimate Opportunist's Ultimate Exit

WWE, TNA, Wrestling
Chris Masters is still wrestling?

Friday’s Smackdown was headlined by a 20-man battle royal, the winner advancing to Extreme Rules to face Alberto Del Rio in a ladder match that will decide a new World Champion.  The recently retired Edge made an appearence, divas wrestled, and Cody Rhodes continued to shine as one of the company’s top heels.  Jason Davis recaps the show and gives his impressions after the jump is this week’s Smackdown! Breakdown!

Alberto Del Rio/Opening Segment – Del Rio said that he respects Edge for retiring, but that being the #1 contender he should be awarded the title. He suggests that Edge should come out and present him with “his” championship. He waited for Edge, but instead received Teddy Long. Long said that would not be happening, and that the World Heavyweight Championship would be up for grabs at Extreme Rules. Tonight we will have a 20 man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal. The winner faces Del Rio for the Championship at the pay-per-view.

Davis Dish: Question: if Miz was to be injured and out of action for months, how many of you would see Cena awarded the Championship on the same RAW? Ok. Put your hands down. I’m fine with the way this is playing out, I’m just saying.

Ezekiel Jackson def. Kofi Kingston – Jackson man handled Kingston in the ring while The Corre sat in on commentary bickering amongst themselves. The action spilled to ringside where Jackson lifted Kingston up overhead and launched him into The Corre. Once back in the ring Wade Barrett tried to interfere but Jackson slung Kingston into the mat for the 1-2-3.

Davis Dish:  Ouch. Where was Ted DiBiase to job for Jackson? What did Kofi do? Interesting developments within The Corre. Jackson is the only one without a belt.

Rey Mysterio def. Drew McIntyre – Once Rey chased Cody Rhodes out of the ring, Drew and Rey put on a great match. Drew was no slouch and Rey put up a fight to stay on top. Rey went for the 619 and connected for the pin.

Davis Dish: Drew is one of Cody’s friends so this match up made sense. And Rey can make anyone look good. Drew looked solid with this loss. I see Cody and Drew against Rey and (insert wrestler) in the future.

Edge surrenders the World Heavyweight Championship – Edge came out to a warm welcome from the crowd. He said he wanted to thank every member of the WWE Universe. He pointed out his Mom who was in attendance. He said that he wouldn’t be where he is today without her help and support. He talked about how he has grown through the WWE from being some punk in the Brood, posing for anyone with flash photography, to explicit in-ring acts with Lita. He said that he wouldn’t be where he is standing today without all of us, and that if he could go back in time he would do it all over in a heartbeat. He asked if he could make his entrance one more time, to feel that rush. He went backstage and his music played, he came through the fog to receive full pyro, rushed the ring and thanked everyone again. Edge then laid the Championship in the middle of the ring and walked up the ramp, stopping at the top. He looked back to the crowd as everyone chanted “Thank you Edge”.

Davis Dish: Nice send off. Nicely done. Edge is/was a Superstar that when you loved him, you really loved him, when you hated him, you really hated him. Only one other Superstar in my mind has been able to do that. Hulk Hogan. And funny enough, when I was first introduced to Edge was when he was handpicked by Hogan to (in storyline) “Carry on Hulkamania”. Granted he had been around, that’s when I first REMEMBER him, WWE put him with a big name and ever since he has stuck in my head as one of the great performers in recent years. Though tragic that he must retire, I am in full support of his decision to hang up the boots in exchange of maintaining the ability to walk. I hope he enjoys some time away and off the road, but at the same time, someone with his great mic work could do more in WWE on-screen without wrestling. With this I say Edge, we will miss you. But congratulations on accomplishing all you did, 31 Championships, 11 time World Champ, and for entertaining us over your career. Enjoy the time off, and don’t be a stranger. Thank you Edge.

Kelly Kelly def. Layla – After a dreadful skit of counseling, LayCool made their entrance and McCool went to commentary. Regular awful match. McCool shoves Layla afterward.  Now to the good part. An Awesome Kong promo. Or whatever were to call her now.

Davis Dish: Ah. I cannot wait. There is NO way WWE is going to have talent like Kong’s and waste it with what the Diva’s are today. What’s that you say? Beth Phoenix? Yeah I remember her, but remember also; as soon as she stepped out of the spot light the Diva’s went to crap. Maybe now we can have decent women’s matches. Here is hoping.

Christian wins #1 Contender’s World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal – Highlights of this great Battle Royal included Big Show taking out Jackson, seemingly taking himself out by accident. Justin Gabriel eliminated fellow Corre member Wade Barrett. Another big highlight of the match was Michael Cole sacrificing himself to keep Jack Swagger from receiving a 619 from Rey Mysterio. The best spot of the match and evening was Captain Charisma winning the Battle Royal and being congratulated by Edge to end the show

Davis Dish: Come on…Come on…. You knew he was gonna win. It sucks it took Edge’s retirement, but maybe will we finally see a rightful Christian title reign? I am skeptical of him winning since he hasn’t WOW’d recently like other Superstars have. He needs to bring his BEST ‘A’ game to Extreme Rules. Del Rio is hot right now. He winning is just as likely as Christian. Look at it this way folks – for the first time in a LONG time we have a title match that could easily go both ways. Now it’s up to WWE not to mess it up.