Home Feature Articles JoMo: Former Future Champion, Pt. 2

JoMo: Former Future Champion, Pt. 2

WWE, TNA, Wrestling
John Morrison, with a little help from Melina, is digging his own grave.

Last month, I ranted about how John Morrison should have been in the WrestleMania main event, complained vehemently about his de-push, and insisted that the Tough Enough winner was ready to break into the elite tier of the WWE.  As it turns out, maybe Morrison isn’t mature enough to be designated with such an honor just yet.

Rather than make the best of his WrestleMania situation (he was teaming with the best female wrestler of all time after all), Morrison behaved in an offensively immature manner.  Apparently, his real-life succubus girlfriend, Melina, felt as though Trish Stratus had taken her rightful spot on the WrestleMania card.  That notion is preposterous to begin with – had it not been for Trish, there would be no Melina.  Trish Stratus innovated women’s wrestling, is a still a bigger draw after years of inactivity than any of the current divas, and was there to hype Tough Enough, in which the WWE has an invested interest.  So from the get-go, Melina’s claims are more than a little dubious.  Unfortunately, John Morrison chose to back her up.  As a result, I don’t know if the Prince of Parkour’s push will ever come.

As a result of his girlfriend’s ridiculous allegations, Morrison snubbed Trish throughout the planning of their WrestleMania match.  He ignored ideas she had for the match, dismissed any spots she pitched, and was downright rude to the 7-time Women’s Champion.  He even avoided a congratulatory hug from Trish after their match at WrestleMania.  Given that she’s justifiably held in very high regard backstage, this might not have been the wisest course of action for John Morrison if he’s hoping to rise up the card anytime soon.  Trish had this to say on the mater:

“I got a bit of cold shoulder action, correct. John Morrison himself is amazing. He’s a great athlete. I was really looking forward to working with him. I thought it would be cool if we could do some stuff together. He didn’t think it would be that cool….Hey whatever. It happens. You know he’s into his thing and just didn’t think that I should part of his thing I guess, but I still admire him as an athlete, as a performer. I think he does a great job out there. Cold shoulder? Yeah I felt it. I was shunned. Some people are not smart maybe? You know they wrestle well, but maybe they’re not smart. I don’t know.”

WWE, TNA, Wrestling
Stratusfaction guaranteed. Giggity!

Not smart, indeed.  Morrison, in his infinite wisdom, later tweeted this asinine comment: “If you don’t have enemies, you don’t have character.”  Today, he followed up with “Raw in Bridgeport today- Lookout @HEELZiggler… I got a mean punch, a furious kick, and a cold shoulder!”  Come on, John.  Are you trying to be relegated to jerking the curtain forever?  First you disrespect the best female wrestler to ever step into the ring, and then you joke about her being a little upset over it?  Duuude.

Apparently, Morrison already had some heat on him from the top because Vince McMahon feels that he “can’t kick anyone’s ass in a real fight.”  His real life relationship with Melina, who seems to always be stirring the pot, doesn’t do him any favors either.  Not to mention, if you’ve even had the misfortune of listening to one of his promos, you know that his mic skills leave a lot to be desired.

In addition to this pre-existing heat, Morrison is not well-respected by his peers or by the Chairman himself, stemming from his reaction to an affair between Melina & Batista years ago.  Morrison was dating Melina at the time and allowed her to engage in a physical relationship with Batista, opting to forgive the matter and move forward without confrontation.  As a result, many of the boys in back lost some respect for Morrison, Vince McMahon among them.

Despite all of the issues he already had working against him, I was on the belief that he was still on the verge of breaking into the main event scene.  After his recent actions and comments in regards to Trish Stratus, however, I have some serious doubts.  If you saw Raw last night, you know that his burial continued when he was pinned by R-Truth in the #1 contenders gauntlet match.  I still think it would be nice to someday see Mr. Morrison in the main events, although the likelihood of that ever happening is shrinking every day.




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  1. Morrison should have kept his mouth shut… but Trish is ridiculously overrated in this column. She was the first hot chick that learned how to wrestle decently, paving the way for such amazing talent like Eve, Kelly, and Maryse. What an amazing legacy. And, despite all the hype Trish got, she still followed in the footsteps of women like Sable and Stacy Keibler, quitting the company as soon as she got a sniff of the mainstream. Oops, I mean “retire” after an epic six years in the business.

    Trish is gorgeous, I get the appeal she has for guys. But to act like Morrison should be condemned just because he didn’t want to do some Stratus-whatever moves with her is laughable. Bottom line is he’ll still be in the company next week, Trish won’t. He should apologize for the stupid Twitter comments, but nothing else. Although it would be nice to see Melina get sent packing for all of this. She’s caused one too many headaches over the years.

    • Regardless of where you stand on Trish, making an obvious effort to avoid her hug during the post-match celebration is pretty childish. I like Morrison a lot, and I’ve done a lot of praising him on this site. I feel like he should have been the one to win the Rumble this year, and that Morrison vs Miz would have torn the house down at WrestleMania. I also think Morrison vs Ziggler could have been awesome, and it’s unfortunate that they were jammed into a women’s tag match.

      That being said, I do think his actions and comments were unprofessional, but the more important issue is that those in power in the WWE are believed to have felt the same way. Talent isn’t an issue with JoMo, he’s got it in spades. If he rubs the right people the wrong way, though, he’s never going to climb the card. And ignoring match suggestions from someone more respected backstage than him, behaving immaturely live on pay-per-view, and making snarky remarks on hisTwitter about the whole thing – well, that certainly isn’t going to do you any favors.

      And Trish was a better in-ring worker than any of the current diva crop. I hate watching Eve take on the Bellas every Monday night, but Trish vs Mickie at WrestleMania 22 is one of my favorites. So was her Chicago street fight with Victoria. She might not have done some of the things that get done in Shimmer, but as far as the WWE goes, nobody rivals her today.

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