Home Full Matches Full Match Friday: Juventud Guerrera vs Syxx

Full Match Friday: Juventud Guerrera vs Syxx



With Sin Cara debuting this week, I thought it appropriate that we feature another luchador in this week’s Full Match Friday.  On an April ’97 edition of Monday Nitro, Juventud Guerrera challenged Syxx for the Cruiserweight Title, and the result was a solid chunk of entertainment.  Back before Chris Jericho took his mask, Juvi was always a solid undercard talent – it’s unfortunate that WWE never found a decent use for him.  With Guerrera and Syxx as two of the division’s staples, the Cruiserweight Championship was one of wrestling’s most fun to watch defended.  With the recent influx of guys like Cara, Bryan, and Justin Gabriel, WWE would be wise to consider bringing the title back.  Also something they should consider: regularly featuring title matches on their free weekly programming, like WCW did here.  Today, Juventud no longer wrestles regularly in the United States, while Syxx is still active on the independent circuit and will be resurrecting his 1-2-3 Kid character at Chikara’s King of Trios next weekend.