Home News Maybe next year, Dragon

Maybe next year, Dragon



I was more than a little upset when WWE decided to bump the advertised US Title match between Daniel Bryan and Sheamus from the WrestleMania 27 card, but it obviously had to sting more for someone like, say, Daniel Bryan.  Hours before WrestleMania, WWE cameras caught up to an obviously excited Bryan to get his thoughts on competing in his very first WrestleMania match.  While he did compete in front of the live crowd, his match never made it to broadcast.  Furthermore, it was converted into a 22-man battle royal midway through, and I can’t imagine that it was pretty.  As if to throw salt in the wound, The Great Khali was the winner of said battle royal, denying Bryan of even a respectable dark match at WrestleMania.

The decision to remove the Bryan vs Sheamus match from the card is mind-boggling.  I understand that there are time constraints, but it had more right to be on the show and would have been more entertaining that the Rock’s opening promo.  Hell, if you shaved the entrance times in half for the Triple H vs Undertaker match, you’d probably have been able to squeeze it onto the card.  Instead, WWE chose not to use Bryan or Sheamus on the show in any capacity, not even for a walk on role in a backstage segment.  So sorry, Bryan Danielson, maybe next year you’ll make your long-awaited WrestleMania debut.