Home News Reminder: WrestleMania X7 Exists

Reminder: WrestleMania X7 Exists



Last night, Triple H and Undertaker (and Shawn Michaels) cut one fantastic promo leading into this Sunday’s WrestleMania.  One thing has bothered me throughout the shaping of this entire feud however, and that is the complete erasing of WrestleMania X7 from the history books.  You’d think Chris Benoit was the focal point the way WWE has been avoiding acknowledging it.  The fact is, The Undertaker has beaten Triple H at WrestleMania before, and their match this Sunday is the ten year anniversary of it happening.  I know, you know, everyone involved knows it.  So why is it being completely ignored?  Anyway, this video serves to remind you that it did actually happen.

The promo package above has a bunch of cool stuff in it too.  You’ll also get to see the WWE’s best commissioner, William Regal.  You’ll remember that Kane was once a burnt freak, whose scars were later healed by the WWE creative team because he looked ridiculous when he unmasked.  And you’ll hear the Undertaker reference his Decade of Destruction, which at the time seemed like an eternity.  Here we are, another decade down, and he’s still rolling along.  Kind of crazy.


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