Go ahead and fill in that blank. What’s you’re answer? If you said wrestling, as in World Wrestling Entertainment…Vince McMahon would tell you that you’re wrong. That’s because World Wrestling Entertainment is apparently not in the wrestling business anymore. And WrestleMania, well, that’s not a wrestling show.
A few years ago, the WWE started to distance themselves from the traditional definition of a wrestling promotion. They began referring to their business as sports entertainment, and it became taboo to use the word wrestling on the air. Ridiculous? Absolutely. But it’s nothing compared to the exchange that recently occurred between WWE publicist Kellie Baldyga and the folks over at TVWeek.com after the website ran a story about Drew Carey’s Hall of Fame induction that included the phrase “pro wrestling” in the headline. Chuck Ross, the author of the piece, received a letter demanding the headline be corrected. It read something like this:
“We are no longer a wrestling company but rather a global entertainment company with a movie studio, international licensing deals, publisher of three magazines, consumer good distributor and more.”
Unbelievable? Believe it. In a follow-up phone conversation, WWE’s publicist elaborated further.
“We don’t do wrestling events, they’re entertainments. And we don’t call them wrestlers, they’re superstars and Divas.”
Rather than cave to World Wrestling Entertainment’s absurd demands, TVWeek.com chose to remove the story entirely. I applaud them on their decision. It’s insulting to me as a wrestling fan to have the leading company in the field refuse to acknowledge that they’re in the wrestling business. Are they embarrassed by the foundation on which they built their world-renowned organization? Are they trying to make sure the world’s aware that they do more than just wrestling? Either way, I feel like this is an outrageous display of hubris on the part of Vincent Kennedy McMahon. A failed football league, a CD full of Jim Johnson produced entrance themes, and a studio pumping out films that are released directly into Netflix’s instant que does not a global media conglomerate make.
WWE movies are a joke, just like the lead-up to Wrestlemania. I don’t feel very “entertained” lately. Which reminds me… If it’s not “wrestling” what the hell are they gonna call WRESTLEmania next year? Entertainmania?
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