Home Champion of Champions Preview: Randy Orton vs Stone Cold

Preview: Randy Orton vs Stone Cold



Randy Orton and Stone Cold Steve Austin have both advanced into the quarterfinals in our Champion of Champions Tournament, designed to determine your favorite champion of the past decade.  Only one of them will make it to the final four, and it’s up to you to decide who it will be.

Randy Orton was propelled into the Elite 8 by a win over Hulk Hogan, while Stone Cold took his seat there after a landslide victory over JBL.  Unlike the other three quarterfinal matches in our tournament, these competitors have never faced each other in a wrestling ring.  In fact, Austin’s career was over before Randy Orton’s even began.  At Cyber Sunday 2008 (seen above), however, Orton got a taste of what Austin 3:16 was all about.  Both men were candidates for a fan vote that night to determine who would referee the main event, and although Austin won, Orton still wound up trying to do the job late in the match.  Much to his dismay, he received a Stunner for his troubles.  Will the Bionic Redneck prove to be too much for WWE’s Apex Predator once more, or will the Texas Rattlesnake feel the bite of the Viper?  Visit tomorrow afternoon to vote on who you feel the better champion was!


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