Home Wrestling Ridiculousness It's Still Real to Me, Dammit!

It's Still Real to Me, Dammit!


You probably recognize the title of this post from the viral sensation of the same name.  In that video, an impassioned fan defends our hobby with an embarrassing fervor.  Well, on the most recent episode of Comedy Central’s Tosh.0, that fan was featured in a web redemption.  Not only does the segment include Daniel Tosh’s Mean Gene Okerlund impersonation and a shockingly accurate recreation of the Piper’s Pit set, but it showcases appearances from the actual Koko B. Ware (with Frankie!), Million Dollar Man, and Sgt. Slaughter!  There’s even an Owen Hart joke!  The insanity with the legends begins just prior to the six minute mark, although the whole video is chock full of rasslin’ goodness.
