Home Unnecessary Speculation 2.21.11: The Undertaker?

2.21.11: The Undertaker?

Could the Deadman be returing AGAIN on 2.21.11?

If the enigmatic 2.21.11 vignette that debuted last week ultimately marks the return of the Undertaker, I think the disappointment of wrestling fans around the globe will be tangible.  Maybe I’m wrong, but I can’t imagine many people would be genuinely excited if the weeks of promotional videos we’re in store for culminates in the reappearance of the Deadman.  It seems like we’ve seen The Undertaker take more hiatuses over the past five or six years than we’ve seen him wrestle good matches, and every time he comes back, his return is the center of a whirlwind of hype.  I don’t mean to slight The Phenom, and I enjoyed his WrestleMania matches with Shawn Michaels as much as anybody, but I can get worked up about his reemergence only so many times. He’s been Buried Alive before, and it’s never marked his end.  It’s not a big deal anymore.

Despite this, the ‘Taker is perhaps the leading candidate to be the superstar that will be showing up on the Raw after the Elimination Chamber.  With WrestleMania on the horizon, it’s obvious that WWE will be bringing the Undertaker back sooner than later in order to involve him in a high-profile feud leading into the big event.  The promo was dark and spooky, attributes that are certainly in line with former Ministry leader’s character.  And in perhaps what is the most damning piece of evidence, the arena hosting the 2/21 episode of Raw, the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California, has hyped the “Return of the Undertaker” on their official website.  Although this does indicate that the mysterious video may very well pertain to Kane’s half-brother, the credibility of the venue’s claim is questionable.  If they speak the truth, however, February 21, 2011 will likely be a very forgettable occasion.